I need a 'consultant' to set up Linode...will pay

I'm preparing to move from shared hosting to Linode, but am quite a Linux newbie. I'd like to hire someone to get the basic install done, and point/move ~15 domains (mostly running drupal and multisite drupal)

Once it is stable, I "think" that I can manage it, but there might be some ongoing consulting as well?




5 Replies


Once it is stable, I "think" that I can manage it, but there might be some ongoing consulting as well?
If you do hire a consultant, I'd recommend keeping him around. If you're unsure in the slightest, that's asking for trouble. Learn as much as you can from him, too.

Yes… I have a couple of Linode folks who've already replied, and that's my sense of the arrangement…thanks

If you use nginx, we have a helpful community over at http://groups.drupal.org/nginx for configuration discussion and tuning.

I've finished up the job, thanks to all who replied.

–created a new topic -- since i got nothing

__i need someone to help me out too.

send me a PM with how much will cost me.

i need to get nginx, mysql, php w/ php-fpm, phpmyadmin, proftpd(or something else) and iptables on Debian 5.0.

i can give you more details later.__


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