How do I check if Postfix setup correctly?

I am VERY new to all this VPS stuff, I have had setup a Linode 360 and tried to setup Postfix using the instructions in the Linode Library. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and i need to know if there's a way to test if I setup Postfix correctly, is there?

I will use Gmail apps for all user email but I am hosting a shop that will need email for the orders.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4 Replies

You can test its working by going:

postfix reload

It should say configuration reloaded,

Then install squirrelmail, i prefer roundcube, and try to send some email, or you can use

telnet localhost 25

to test if its working

Check your mail logs in /var/log/mail.* there are 4 of them

NB: make sure to check out the transport_maps section of main.cnf in postfix, it gave me real trouble, i had to comment it out before it worked, then adjust the settings accordingly to get it working again

Also, make sure u send any users u have set up a welcome email from root, to initialise their account, otherwise it wont work and mail folders wont be set up etc.


set up mailx, then


Subject: Welcome hello




Postfix will make the folders for your in /home/vmail

(make sure permissions are set for vmail user in here)

Hope it goes well, i followed the ubuntu 8.04 tut so there might be some differences

hi klinode,

I did: postfix reload and this was my result:

postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system

is that wrong?

If you just need to test sending e-mail (e.g. you won't be receiving e-mail), try:

echo "it works!" | mail -s "testing" your@e-mail.address.elsewhere

You should have an e-mail of subject "testing" with body "it works!" in a few moments.


hi klinode,

I did: postfix reload and this was my result:

postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system

is that wrong?

Yes this means that postfix is working, if you check your mail logs you can see whether there are any errors.

Use hoopycat's example to see whether you are receiving, and if u want to set it up for sending try the steps above too.

u could always try by sending from a hotmail or gmail account too


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