Systems Administrators


Anyone know of any Systems Administrators who maintain other peoples Linodes? I'm a software developer who needs a development server but doesn't have time to build it up myself and could do with outsourcing the work. I'd need TeamCity, ReviewBoard, Subversion, etc..



4 Replies

I'd be happy to configure/maintain one for you - contact me through if you would like a chat.


I'd be happy to configure/maintain one for you - contact me through if you would like a chat.

Funny enough, I get a 503 when I visit your site. Just sayin'.

Ha, it's hosted on Webfaction - they have a 5 process limit on php (it's set per user), I have lots of long running background processes so occasionally you get a bad gateway error.

Hence why I am moving it all (back) to Linode….


I may be able to offer you some assistance. Hit me at and we can discuss your needs.


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