Splitting Ram

I'm looking into switching all of my servers to Linode. The thing is I have a couple of servers I like to have separated that only require 64 megs of ram. My question is… Is it possible to buy a Linode (say the 360 one) and split it into 5 72 meg instances or is Linode not currently set up for this?

Thanks in advance

3 Replies

It's not currently set up for this (nor will it be).

There are more resources involved than just RAM. A 360 split into 5 instances might only consume 360 megs of RAM, but it would consume 5 times as much CPU, and increase disk contention significantly.


This would make sense except in the instances in which you have a system that doesn't need all the RAM that is available to that instance, but that you would still like to keep separate from other instances… I guess Linode doesn't quite fit what I'm looking for.

Thanks for the quick answer.

You could potentially run Linux-VServer inside your Linode, it might not be quite what you're after - but it would allow you to split a single Linode into several virtual servers.


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