High Memory Usage Issue

Hi, I am a little bit confused about my memory usage. I don't know if it is about xen virtualization and it can be a silly question to ask but when I type the top at linux shell, it says I am using 340 mb memory and I have 360 mb total memory by the way. And I just host only one web site now which its traffic is zero right now.

I am attaching my screenshot of top:

~~![](<URL url=)http://www.ilanboun.com/top.jpg" />

To make things short, is there anything wrong with this or is it normal?

Thanks very much.~~

10 Replies


http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ :)

Thanks for the quick replay. Now I understand the logic behind it.


free -m

in your shell it'll show something like this

total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 348 339 8 0 29 215

-/+ buffers/cache: 94 253

Swap: 255 8 247

Tends to be easier than top. (In my case I'm using 94MB).



free -m

in your shell it'll show something like this

total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 348 339 8 0 29 215

-/+ buffers/cache: 94 253

Swap: 255 8 247

Tends to be easier than top. (In my case I'm using 94MB).

Don't forget swap, technically you're using 102MiB.


Don't forget swap, technically you're using 102MiB.

Lol yes, that's true 8 MB swap and 94MB ram



Don't forget swap, technically you're using 102MiB.

Lol yes, that's true 8 MB swap and 94MB ram
Memory hog!!!

% free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           348        280         68          0          8        240
-/+ buffers/cache:         30        318
Swap:          256          4        252

I built my linode when it was still a linode64. Now it's a linode360 I have all that extra memory… but no need to change my software :-)


I built my linode when it was still a linode64. Now it's a linode360 I have all that extra memory… but no need to change my software :-)

Damn that's an old node, what OS are you running on that? I think my ubuntu 9.10 runs around 30mb with nothing extra installed.



I built my linode when it was still a linode64. Now it's a linode360 I have all that extra memory… but no need to change my software :-)

Damn that's an old node, what OS are you running on that? I think my ubuntu 9.10 runs around 30mb with nothing extra installed.
CentOS 4, fully patched.

Ah yes, mine was a 64 too! Good times. It's still rocking and rolling, although now it's a 720.




I built my linode when it was still a linode64. Now it's a linode360 I have all that extra memory… but no need to change my software :-)

Damn that's an old node, what OS are you running on that? I think my ubuntu 9.10 runs around 30mb with nothing extra installed.
CentOS 4, fully patched.

I haven't used CentOS 4 in a few years, maybe if I find I have some spare time on my hands I'll crank up a new node and have a play. :)


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