Tuning httpd.conf and my.cnf for magento

Linode 720

Cpanel VPS optimized


Apache 2.2 + Php 5.1 + eaccelerator + memcached + mod_deflate + zend optimizer

I would like to finetune my vps by editting httpd.conf and my.cnf.

Where can i find some good configs for my 720 VPS?

Is anyone here running a magento store?

1 Reply

I'm about to set one up along side a few other WordPress web sites, but I haven't done so yet. I'll be running the community edition (I can't afford 11k+ a year, but we'd like to give it a spin) and while I'm presuming normal optimization techniques based on memory available, applications being used in conjunction with, etc will suffice, I'd be interested in hearing back from anybody with experience running it too.


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