MySQL 5.1 or MySQL 5.1, which one gives a better performance

Linode 720

Cpanel VPS optimized

Apache + Eaccelerator + memcache + mod_Deflate

There’s an upgrade option in Cpanel i can choose from, keep using mysql 5.0 or upgrade to mysql 5.1.

Which one gives a better performance for magento? Some benchmarks say mysql 5.0 is better, others say mysql 5.1 is the one to go with.

Any experiences here? Did anyone benchmark 5.0 and 5.1 and what were the results?

3 Replies

It's my understanding that the only real major difference between 5.0 and 5.1 is the ability to do partitioning. … shell.html">

There's nothing mentioned there about major performance differences.

MySQL 5.1 offers many benefits, while performance is either slightly less, equal or much faster.

Benefits it offers:

  • plugin storage engines

  • slow log can be turned on and off while server is running

  • improvements in replication (not just RBR, but also to SBR)

Besides that, i'd suggest you use on of the newer and more performant options: Either MariaDB, OurDelta's MySQL build or Percona's MySQL build.

If you use InnoDB, I believe that there are plugins for MySQL 5.1 that are quite a bit faster than the built-in InnoDB engine.


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