Slicehost DNS to Linode migration script

Just migrated from Slicehost to Linode this week. Ended up writing this script that uses Slicehost API and Linode's API to copy DNS for domains over.

Just putting it out there in case anyone needs it.

P.S. So far loving the improved performance and memory!

16 Replies

You should post that on Slicehost. Title it - "what the February announcement should have been".

Man, those people SUCK at marketing - either that or are completely PW'd by Rackspace.


That would've helped a few weeks ago! Did they ever make their february announcement? I haven't been back to the forums since I moved the last of my slices over here. :D

Yeah, all their build up for the "great" Feb Announcement and it was epic lame.

Slightly more transfer for the same exorbitant price and new slices between the old slices (i.e. between 256 - 512 they've added a 384).

Still no 32bit OS's, still crappy AMD boxes, still outrageous pricing.

And the worst part - they still have NO CLUE how incredibly half-assed they're coming off as with their complete lack of marketing skills and crappy customer relations.

Even with such a lame announcement, they're trying to spin it as something worth waiting for.

It's painful to watch - but like a fat lady in a bikini, you just can't look away as she wades into the ocean.

Oh cute, they're pulling a myspace meets facebook (and then steals as much as they can) kind of thing. Except that like Facebook vs Myspace, Linode leads the way and will most likely continue to do so far into the future. :D

Really glad I found my way here thanks to that one blog.


It's painful to watch - but like a fat lady in a bikini, you just can't look away as she wades into the ocean.

Yea i know it is painful to watch. Especially how my slice i will be turning off has 580 days of uptime on it. O well that is how things go.


Especially how my slice i will be turning off has 580 days of uptime on it.
You'll never get that kind of uptime on a linode – you constantly have to reboot to take advantage of the RAM and disk space upgrades on their plans. ;)

Speaking of which, it's about time for some more disk space. Right, Caker? :-)

I heard "Buy One 360, Get one Free For Life" is the next promo.

buy one 360, get urmom for free


buy one 360, get urmom for free

Oh, urmom dropped her prices? :shock:


Just migrated from Slicehost to Linode this week. Ended up writing this script that uses Slicehost API and Linode's API to copy DNS for domains over.

Thanks Schultz, the script worked GREAT on all 121 domains I have and I switched the nameservers on 83 of them at Godaddy a few minutes ago. So this has really sped up my switch to Linode.

The script did take a few minutes to get working on my Ubuntu DEV box.

I'm a total newb to Ruby and it took me a few minutes to figure out everything I needed to have installed… I installed the two gems you mentioned in the documentation, but I did need to have the gem installer in the first place, plus I needed ruby & rails metapackages installed. Not sure which ones were absolutely required, just installed a few ruby/rails related things.

It would be nice to have a little more documentation for those of us who do not use Ruby at all.

But thanks again!

I'm going to be migrating from slicehost to linode in a few days, sure this script will be useful. (Posting so I can find this thread again :D)

EDIT: Loving my new linode, getting 1165 in parallel unixbench 5.1 compared to 265 on my old slice. not bad :)

This script works beautifully and it saved me a hell of a lot of time when migrating to Linode. Thank you!

I'm getting an error when I try and run this..Never worked with ruby so I'm searching for a fix but wanted to see if anyone here had run into it:

/usr/lib/ruby/siteruby/1.8/rubygems/customrequire.rb:31:in `gemoriginalrequire': no such file to load – active_resource (LoadError)

from /usr/lib/ruby/siteruby/1.8/rubygems/customrequire.rb:31:in `require'

from ./slicedns2linode.rb:3

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT Found the fix…didn't have gcc,make, etc installed..Actually watching errors from gem install helped ;-)

And issue #2 now:

/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/activeresource/connection.rb:146:in `handleresponse': Failed. Response code = 406. Response message = Not Acceptable. (ActiveResource::ClientError)

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/active_resource/connection.rb:115:in `request'

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/active_resource/connection.rb:80:in `get'

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/activeresource/connection.rb:218:in `withauth'

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/active_resource/connection.rb:80:in `get'

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/activeresource/base.rb:894:in `findevery'

from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activeresource-3.1.0/lib/active_resource/base.rb:807:in `find'

from ./slicedns2linode.rb:29:in `findbyname'

from ./slicedns2linode.rb:60

from ./slicedns2linode.rb:58:in `each'

from ./slicedns2linode.rb:58

No clue where to start searching for this error :-(

cubezombie, did you resolve that? I'm seeing the same thing.


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