Linode Data Center #6

Where will you be?


64 Replies

For absolutely no prize whatsoever, I'm betting on Australia or Singapore.

I really wish that it'll be in Singapore, but it's not cheap here; all the hosts I've checked in local data centres have exorbitant prices. However if Linode comes here and beats them to pulp with the current pricing, I'm going to be over the moon (almost literally)

Antarctica of course - free cooling!

I'd guess the Netherlands or Germany, to distribute the European load.

Considering bandwidth (and other) costs there, I doubt Linode will be able to pull off an Australian or Asian datacentre without raising prices.


For absolutely no prize whatsoever, I'm betting on Australia or Singapore.
I wish… I would double my Linode count in an Australian D/C! :D

But with the cost of bandwidth over here… Doubt it's going to happen :(

Having said that, if Linode want someone local to work with….! ;) :P

Toronto! We don't have one…

As Fremont, CA is the most commonly sold out location, and as bandwidth is rather expensive on the other side of the Pacific, a second West Coast location might be a good compromise. Seattle maybe.

Having said that, though, Tokyo or Seoul would be very tempting ;)


near urmom

They already have one there ;)

I vote Afghanistan.

DE, NL good place to expand…

The earth's core would of course have the same latency to all locations on the planet's surface, hmmmm…….


The earth's core would of course have the same latency to all locations on the planet's surface, hmmmm…….

Not true…I am roughly 450 feet farther away from Earth's core than is Miami.

I'm going to have to place a biased vote for Las Vegas. That way I could drive down and watch my Linode's behind a pane of glass like a nursery in the hospital… gootchy gootchy koo!

Followed by a little brisk gambling to make next months bill…

Expand Freemont!

I am guessing Oregon, Australia and Germany.


Followed by a little brisk gambling to make next months bill…

You could even bet on the Linodes. "How many Linodes on the glass datacenter?"

Seattle would be a good location!

I'm going for Australia, but then I'm personally biased to one :)



The earth's core would of course have the same latency to all locations on the planet's surface, hmmmm…….

Not true…I am roughly 450 feet farther away from Earth's core than is Miami.

To be really pedantic, we can't actually send IP packets to the Earth's core, so the latency would technically be the same to all locations on the planet's surface (i.e. infinity).

Pity it couldn't be Guam\Hawaii or a similar island

Close to Asia\Australia [another biased user :) ] with decent connections in and out of them


To be really pedantic, we can't actually send IP packets to the Earth's core, so the latency would technically be the same to all locations on the planet's surface (i.e. infinity).

Ahh but if there was a pipe going to the core the packets would go faster because gravity would pull them down quicker…everyone knows that :wink:

I have a feeling that the magnetic core might be bad for electronics.

@Mr Nod:

Ahh but if there was a pipe going to the core the packets would go faster because gravity would pull them down quicker…everyone knows that :wink:

Ugh, the asymmetric latency would screw up NTP. And you'd have to make adjustments for relativity, too… No thanks!

I really hope we get one with better latency to NZ… i get 200ms to fremont which isn't bad but 100ms would be great.


@Mr Nod:

Ahh but if there was a pipe going to the core the packets would go faster because gravity would pull them down quicker…everyone knows that :wink:

Ugh, the asymmetric latency would screw up NTP. And you'd have to make adjustments for relativity, too… No thanks!

No way! NTP can handle it as long as it's consistent.

Sydney would be great! I'd happily pay triple for it as well..

Somewhere else in Europe i bet.

We need an Asia data center.

I preferred Taiwan, but Japan or Korea is okay for me!

I prefer Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Japan, or another datacenter in the west coast of US. But don't use another datacenter, is great but they have already undertaken too much traffic from Asia-Pacific.

I vote for South Korea. They seem to have insane connectivity there.

I might be a wee bit biased, but I vote for somewhere in Northern Europe (maybe Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, or Estonia). This could also be good for (Western) Russia and other Eastern European countries.


I might be a wee bit biased…..

a wee bit? Are you from Scotland? :) Maybe it will be Scolocate in scotland to boost UK presence. I vote Germany.


I vote for South Korea. They seem to have insane connectivity there.

That would be North Korea, then.


You should be the one to shortlist a few datacenters for us to choose.

We do not know the cost of setting up one. It could be very expensive to setup one in Singapore due to the bandwidth cost.


I wish Netherlands

I wish a former nuclear bunker carved in to a Swedish mountain. I will, however, settle for an Icelandic, Norwegian or Swiss mountain :-) … 095/?p1=A4">

Me, too! EMPproof my linode!

imho their best move would be a Seattle or Portland DC to expand West Coast availability especially since West Coast is a big market for hosting in general and Fremont is often at capacity….. I would love to see something in Seattle or PDX

I feel Mumbai, India.

too many customers from India


I feel Mumbai, India.

too many customers from India
too costly! :roll:

+1 Seattle, or something else closer to Western Canada!

Toronto - we need one here…

@Complex Mind:

Toronto! We don't have one…

Agreed! Linode needs a Datacenter in Canada!

This would absolutly rock!

After using Linode I expect so much from other providers and always disapointed.

Linode please consider Canada, there are some very good datacenters in both Montreal and Toronto.



I think South America would be great! There are no good VPS providers here, most of them don't even sell VPS, only Dedicated, and lot's of them ressell USA servers…

I live in Brazil, and there is no good servers (VPS or Cloud) at a low to medium price, that is located in Brazil or even South America, i'ts a niche that is waiting someone to get it!


I think South America would be great! There are no good VPS providers here, most of them don't even sell VPS, only Dedicated, and lot's of them ressell USA servers…

I live in Brazil, and there is no good servers (VPS or Cloud) at a low to medium price, that is located in Brazil or even South America, i'ts a niche that is waiting someone to get it!

Yes South America is also a good idea!

Isnt there a big datacenter being built in Columbia?

I've heard that most South American countries aren't interconnected with each other very well. If true, that would make it a pretty bad place for Linode to choose, at least until they've taken over the world and actually will have large numbers of customers in any South American countries.

I'd say canada, since I always see people asking for servers in canada due to canada's privacy laws.

While we do have much better privacy laws than the US, it doesn't necessarily help. The server/business presence might be in Canada, making Linode subject to Canadian privacy laws, but the company is in the US.

If there is a court order in the US to turn over some information, Linode can be compelled to do it even if it means breaking Canadian law.

Bugger…I hate legal gobbledegook!

Keep in mind that IANAL. I believe that some companies create independent copies of themselves in different countries to avoid this issue.

I'm trying to find a xen vps provider in Chicago right now. I would love it if Linode expanded there. I'm having a hard time trusting the possible providers I've found there.


I'm trying to find a xen vps provider in Chicago right now. I would love it if Linode expanded there. I'm having a hard time trusting the possible providers I've found there.

why do you need to be in Chicago? Newark has great connectivity to Chicago.



I'm trying to find a xen vps provider in Chicago right now. I would love it if Linode expanded there. I'm having a hard time trusting the possible providers I've found there.

why do you need to be in Chicago? Newark has great connectivity to Chicago.

It's a balancing act. I'm running Urban Terror game servers. The route to Dallas isn't as stable as I'd like for my European players, and putting it in Newark causes more issues with my West coast (Oregon and Washington) players.

Chicago would mean the route for my European players doesn't have to go through DC and Atlanta, where the problem seems to be – without causing much of a change for those in Oregon, etc. Of course, this is all speculation at this point, but I need a VPS in Chicago to test things out.

If I went back to Newark, I'd need to look at the routes from the west coast again… there was something causing issues there before.



I feel Mumbai, India.

too many customers from India
too costly! :roll:

Hostgator is now in India. But I really love to see Linode in India. And also wanted some managed and semi-managed service.

Linode Datacenter #6: India

Linode Datacenter #7: Tokyo

Linode Datacenter #8: Canada

Linode Datacenter #9: Australia

Linode Datacenter #10: Korea

5 Year Plan for Linode expansion!! :D




I feel Mumbai, India.

too many customers from India
too costly! :roll:

Hostgator is now in India. But I really love to see Linode in India. And also wanted some managed and semi-managed service.

Linode Datacenter #6: India

Linode Datacenter #7: Tokyo

Linode Datacenter #8: Canada

Linode Datacenter #9: Australia

Linode Datacenter #10: Korea

5 Year Plan for Linode expansion!! :D

lol are you crazy? India is only good for indian people! traffic to other countries is crap because of poor connections! India must develop their infrastructure first!

Toronto does not need a Linode datacenter. That would be wasteful, Toronto is only 750KM from Newark. You might shave off 10-20ms for Toronto, and 0-10ms for Montreal, but that's not really a significant difference.

On the other hand, if you put a datacenter in Australia, or some other place far from Linode's existing datacenters (Asia somewhere), you could eliminate 100ms or more for entire countries.


Toronto does not need a Linode datacenter. That would be wasteful, Toronto is only 750KM from Newark. You might shave off 10-20ms for Toronto, and 0-10ms for Montreal, but that's not really a significant difference.

There could be regulatory/legal reasons where Canada would be preferable to the US, but it's quite possible that linode being a US company wouldn't help.

Yeah, Linode is a US company, so if a US court orders Linode to violate Canadian law, they'd be forced to do it.

I think Netherland is the best choice for asian connectivity! And things are cheap there too!


I think Netherland is the best choice for asian connectivity! And things are cheap there too!

What do you mean by "Asia"? For east Asia, Fremont is the best. For anything where Amsterdam is the best…well, London is pretty close.



I think Netherland is the best choice for asian connectivity! And things are cheap there too!

What do you mean by "Asia"? For east Asia, Fremont is the best. For anything where Amsterdam is the best…well, London is pretty close.

well I mostly meant South Asia where most populated on Asia! Netherland is way better!




I think Netherland is the best choice for asian connectivity! And things are cheap there too!

What do you mean by "Asia"? For east Asia, Fremont is the best. For anything where Amsterdam is the best…well, London is pretty close.

well I mostly meant South Asia where most populated on Asia! Netherland is way better!

Ah, South Asia. Yeah, you're probably right there, though it might be a closer call the farther east you go.

For East Asia, California is best, though. (Well, second-best after servers internal to the East Asian country itself.)


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