ssh -D troubleshooting [solved]

I followed this article, and many others like it, trying to get a local SOCKS proxy set up via ssh. The setup seems to work normally, with no errors; but when I configure my browser to use localhost as a proxy, every page instantly loads as a zero length, blank white page.

I've tried multiple browsers, ports, etc. I'm on a mac running leopard and my linode runs debian lenny. I tried using a different, non-linode remote server and had the same problem, so perhaps the problem is with my ssh client? Any ideas?

2 Replies

You're configuring Firefox incorrectly. Set "SOCKS Host" and "Port" near the bottom. Don't set "HTTP Proxy" or any of the others. If they are set, clear them.

I ran into this (and another issue with SSH) when first setting this up. :-)

D'oh! Works like a charm now. Thanks!


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