Fremont Linode Availability

Is there any ETA on when new Linodes will be available in the Fremont facility? I'm looking to expand with a few additional boxes and need them in the same co-lo.

9 Replies

The availability page doesn't show all the Linodes which they have - open a Support ticket and you'll get priority.

How soon would it be possible to register a new Linode 360 in Fremont for new customers? I'm in Fremont, CA myself and the downloading speed from Fremont is a great difference. Is there a waiting list? If it's a big wait, I would better go with another location or provider.

Just because you're physically located in Fremont doesn't mean it is the only data center you can use. Hell… from my house in zip code 12345 (yes, it is real), I go through the windy city on my way to Newark.

Try a different one. I bet the fact that Linode is awesome will make up for the extra milliseconds.

You might even want to make Linode babies.


Try a different one. I bet the fact that Linode is awesome will make up for the extra milliseconds.
Except that internal traffic will no longer be "internal" and therefore count on your bandwidth use.

//assuming that's why he wanted multiple boxes in the same DC to begin with//


Try a different one. I bet the fact that Linode is awesome will make up for the extra milliseconds.

as I said (from checking the speeds):


I'm in Fremont, CA myself and the downloading speed from Fremont is a great difference.

it was kind of 10 times faster

1 360 available.. :)


The availability page doesn't show all the Linodes which they have - open a Support ticket and you'll get priority.

And see this post by tasaro: … 6156#26156">

Don't wait for it to "become available", submit a support ticket. Apparently, in all likelihood, there is capacity available in Fremont.


Don't wait for it to "become available", submit a support ticket. Apparently, in all likelihood, there is capacity available in Fremont.

I agree, except I'm not an existing customer to post a ticket (it requires to log in).

I will keep checking till the end of the day, then get another location and open a ticket to transfer my Linode to the Fremont datacenter once it's available.


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