Internal Domain


This may be a stupid question but I was wondering whether its possible to set up a sub-domain to only be visable between my linodes? I've set up private Ips, but the only way I could think of doing this is to set up a record in the /etc/hosts file.

Any help is appriciated!

6 Replies

If you put the domain name in /etc/hosts on both machines, it should work like a charm. :)

Alternatively, you could add an A record in the DNS, pointing the subdomain to an internal IP address (192.168.x.x). The records would be publicly visible, though.

Yea I thought of the DNS record, but wasn't too sure about it being publicly available. What I might just do is set it up as an external domain then (attempt) to lock the server down to only accept internal connections.


Yea I thought of the DNS record, but wasn't too sure about it being publicly available. What I might just do is set it up as an external domain then (attempt) to lock the server down to only accept internal connections.

From a security standpoint you should be blocking all traffic on the internal lan anyways..

but if you just want a internal domain just use hosts files, would be more secure than using dns.

Security (that is, actual, real security) does not break down if someone knows your IP address. Putting your private IP in the public DNS isn't a problem; anyone could port scan the private network anyway.

Edit: Does not! Does not break down. Oops. … #id2549203">


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