Problems Sending/Receiving Mail with a Particular Domain

I am using Postfix and haven't made any changes my server configuration in a while. Recently I am having problems sending/receiving mail to It all worked fine some weeks ago. The error I am seeing in my logs is:

Jan 25 10:57:09 wilkesley postfix/smtp[28009]: 637DECA86: to=<>,[]:25, delay=303040, delays=303036/0.02/0.65/3.2, dsn=4.1.8, status=deferred (host[] said: 450 4.1.8 <>: Sender address rejected: Domain not found (in reply to RCPT TO command))</></>

I think that this means that can't find the domain, so their server is rejecting the message. Other people can send me email and as far as I can tell my DNS (on Linode) is correctly configured.

Is this a problem at hp's end, or with some intermediate DNS cache.


2 Replies

Things for look OK from here, so it sounds like a DNS problem on HP's end? Maybe you can reach postmaster@hp from another mail account?

Thanks.I'll email them from my GMail account.



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