Connecting USB-hardware to a Linode?

Sounds ridiculous, right? Maybe not…

At my previous employer we had a few of AnywhereUSB hubs set up to connect peripherals to our virtual machines. Here's a little more about these handy little devices:

"AnywhereUSB hubs, featuring Digi’s patented USB over IP® technology, make it easy to connect two to five USB devices anywhere on a wired or wireless network – without locally attached host PCs. " … p#overview">

So all of that being said, can anyone offer any solutions on how to connect one of these to a linode?


2 Replies

There are some experimental drivers that do something like this here: The latency's going to be a bit of a pain though.

Note that you will likely need to rebuild your kernel and use pv-grub in order to use drivers from the staging tree.

That's exactly what I was looking for–thanks for the tip. Now if only there was something that was turn-key…;)


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