Need help Installing XSL and libxslt to linode server
I am trying to configure/install XSL into the PHP version currently on my linode server (PHP 5.2). Linode instructed me to read up on this page as I have to connect to my linode server via SSH:
I’m on windows so I downloaded putty and attempted to connect to my server with my IP address in Putty and immediately got an error message saying “Network error”. Can anyone tell me why I got this error and how to get around it so I can connect to my linode server with SSH.
Once I’ve connected to the server with SSH how do I install XSL and libxslt into the current PHP version from there?
Any help is appreciated
3 Replies
On Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install php5-xsl will probably do what you need. On CentOS, try yum install php-xml.
Changing your firewall settings depends on exactly what OS and administration tools you are using. It is not handled through Linode's web interface, though.