Enabling Apache Module: Could Not Bind to Address

While in Virtualmin, I go to Configure Apache Modules in order to enable headers and expires. When I click Enable Selected Modules, I get this:

> Starting web server apache2 (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs …fail!

My Apache server shut down by itself. I restarted it and now I notice that headers and expires seem to be enabled, which is good, but I'm unsure as to how that error message may affect my system.

How do I fix this?

__Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Virtualmin 3.76

Apache v2.2.8__

1 Reply

It sounds like you tried to start Apache when another Apache instance was already running. Don't know why Virtualmin would do that, but it's probably not an ongoing problem if Apache now runs with the new config.


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