RoR Requirements?

I dont yet have a Linode although i have been looking at getting one for a year or so now and i would like to know what the minimum requirements would be for some RoR development? Would a linode 360 be enough to handle RoR? I guess i would you MySQL as well and possibly some sort of mail server. Mostly for development at the present but who knows in the future. I may decide to run django, since i know more python then ruby right now, would the 360 be able to support that as well?

Thanks for your time…


2 Replies

Sure. Heck, the Rails Rumble contestants each use a 360.

You have to be careful to avoid doing dumb things (hello, MaxClients 150), but it's not hard.

(If you want to do antivirus or content-based spam scans on your email too, it might start getting tricky to fit all of this on one 360, though.)

Edit (2010-01-20): Typo. Well, grammar-o.

Well that sounds good to me.



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