Disconnected while upgrading...

Was in the middle of an apt-get upgrade via SSH, specifically a PHP upgrade that was asking for input, when my internet dropped. I reconnected, but it reports that apt-get is locked, likely waiting for input.

Any suggestions on how to best handle this? I am leary of killing the upgrade thread, not sure what the best approach in a situation like this is.



4 Replies

Not sure what to do now that it has already happened, but this is why I always use screen when doing updates in the CLI.

If it's doing configuration, that means the actual installation step is probably done. You can probably kill it (strange that it didn't die on its own, though).

My guessugestion?

Kill the dpkg process, wait a few moments, then kill apt-get or aptitude, whichever you used. Afterwards, dpkg –configure --pending .


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