VPS Bible Got me Up and Running

I signed up for a Linode 360 a few days ago and being a total newb at Linux didnt have a clue where to start. I read the Linode Wiki and Library material but didnt fill confident to do a complete install with Ubuntu, PHP and Wordpress etc.

Upon doning a few searches in Google for VPS, beginners guide, tutorial, bible etc I came across the VPS bible which explained using a Linode for installing Ubuntu, NGINX, Xcache, Wordpress and everything in between from start to finish.

I am NOT affiliated with this site but am just a happy bunny that I now have my Linode setup and functional:


P.S. The VPS bible is located here. :D

5 Replies

Big cheers PhillTheChill

.. mighty pleased the Bible helped.

It helped me a lot too!

I'm a newbie when it comes to Linux and the VPS Bible really helped me get things up and running quickly. Now I'm able to learn things a lot faster!

VPS Bible is plagued with advertisements…….


VPS Bible is plagued with advertisements…….
How awful - the guy spends all that time and effort, plus the cost of hosting and he has the audacity to try and make a few bucks off of adverts.



VPS Bible is plagued with advertisements…….
How awful - the guy spends all that time and effort, plus the cost of hosting and he has the audacity to try and make a few bucks off of adverts.



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