Redirecting static file to nginx from apache

Hey guys,

I know what I am asking is evil, but I am having problem doing the other way around for various reasons,

I am very curious to see if it would increase performance to redirect static file to nginx from apache,

I suppose apache thread would last less longer?

Anyone tried this or can point me how to do it?

1 Reply

It will be faster to just have Apache serve the file than to offload it to another webserver, but you might want to elaborate on the actual "various reasons" you can't get nginx to work in front of Apache.

Getting nginx or lighttpd to serve up all your static files and proxy dynamic requests to Apache/FastCGI is an easy way to really lighten the load on Apache and your server. What's your setup? A bit more info about what, exactly, you're trying to do might elicit greater responses.


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