Post Fix Set-Up Issues

So I set-up postfix for email according to the tutorial. I have the FQDN set at since I'm only running one website (wordpress).

My A Record point to my linode's IP and my website works.

My MX record currently looks like:

10 @

0 @

I opened a ticket and they said that my two lines:

postconf -e 'myhostname ='

postconf -e 'mydestination =, localhost, localhost.localdomain'

Were wrong - so I fixed that. They also said that they used telnet to test my mail server.

How would one do this to make sure I fixed the issue?

Also, I am using a mail client (simple mail plugin for firefox). I have

POP3 port 110


SMTP port 26


Is this correct? I guess the better question is how can I find out if this is correct?

6 Replies


How would one do this to make sure I fixed the issue?

Google "telnet mail server" for examples.

> Is this correct? I guess the better question is how can I find out if this is correct?

Depending on your sasl backend and config, it could be + or @. I use Dovecot, both for POP3 and SMTP auth (sasl backend to postfix), and with that I use full email as username (@). Also, test by trying it out.

Try sending email without authorizing (say, via telnet) to a domain not hosted on your server to see if you have open relay.

BTW, smtp should be at port 25.

Thanks - I did Google a bit but your search query pulled up what I needed perfectly.

Well I tried telnetting to port 25 and all I got was a blank screen so I suppose that means it's still not working properly.

I can telnet localhost 25 as root and although it comes up it doesn't look like it does here (

When I do port 110 I get a +OK hello there. Not sure if that's even relevent…

I used port 26 because that's how all my other sites (hosted on cpanel shared hosting) have been set-up. But port 25 still doesn't work (see above).

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Well, you can use port 26 if you plan to use the server for outgoing mails only (so you configure mail client to connect @ 26), but for incoming mail, other MTAs expect port 25.

If you can't telnet to port 25 from outside, but it does work locally, it means either postfix is listening on wrong IP, does not listen at all, or you have a firewall blocking port 25.

If you get +OK @ 110, it means your POP3 server (which is not postfix) is accepting connections.

Can you post or pastebin the output of postconf -n (redact any private data, like your domain name if you wish)? I'm not an expert with Postfix, but I can do get one configured for my purposes (virtual addresses), and I'll try to help, but the output will certainly be of use to someone who can recognize your problem at once.

Thanks for looking at this. Setting up apache was easier since I could flounder my way through that. I really have no idea with this stuff…

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

appenddotmydomain = no

biff = no

brokensaslauth_clients = yes

config_directory = /etc/postfix

html_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/html

inet_interfaces = all

mailboxsizelimit = 0

messagesizelimit = 30720000

mydestination =, localhost, localhost.localdomain

myhostname =

mynetworks =

myorigin = /etc/mailname

proxyreadmaps = $localrecipientmaps $mydestination $virtualaliasmaps $virtualaliasdomains $virtualmailboxmaps $virtualmailboxdomains $relayrecipientmaps $relaydomains $canonicalmaps $sendercanonicalmaps $recipientcanonicalmaps $relocatedmaps $transportmaps $mynetworks $virtualmailboxlimit_maps

readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix

recipient_delimiter = +

relayhost =

smtptlssessioncachedatabase = btree:${datadirectory}/smtpscache

smtpdbanner = $myhostname ESMTP $mailname (Ubuntu)

smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitmynetworks, permitsaslauthenticated, rejectunauth_destination

smtpdsaslauth_enable = yes

smtpdsaslauthenticated_header = yes

smtpdtlscert_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.cert

smtpdtlskey_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.key

smtpdtlssessioncachedatabase = btree:${datadirectory}/smtpdscache

smtpdusetls = yes

virtualaliasdomains =

virtualaliasmaps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/, mysql:/etc/postfix/

virtualgidmaps = static:5000

virtualmailboxbase = /home/vmail

virtualmailboxdomains = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/

virtualmailboxmaps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/

virtualuidmaps = static:5000

And you have no errors in the log on postfix startup? Firewall blocking port 25?

Just to throw out another option - why host your own mail server?

Google Apps is free for 50 users or less, has excellent built in spam filtering, can be accessed via pop3, imap4, or secure webmail, and each mailbox has 7 gig of space, AND you get Google Doc's built-in for document sharing.

I haven't run my own mailserver for small domains for several years since Google Apps came out (of course we still do for bigger inhouse servers and those that need a intranet as well as internet mail solution).

Besides not having to install/configure/manage/monitor it (and you definately don't want a unsecured mail server - it will get your IP and maybe your Linode neighbors IP blacklisted in a minute) it doesn't eat up any space or bandwidth on your VPS.

So take a peek, it might save you a lot of headaches.


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