AUFS2 and Linode?

I've been trying for some time to make AUFS2 work on a linode. The problem is, it's not built in to the kernel, and if I try to compile against the kernel it fails on boot. Anyone have any ideas/had any success with this?

8 Replies

Depending on your distribution, your best bet with non-mainline kernel features will often be pv_grub:

It's got its own headaches, but if you absolutely must have an awkward kernel hack, it can be easier.

I've tried that, but the linode won't boot… it seems to boot, but then it just starts rebooting repeatedly as if it can't find the root.

What distro, what's your menu.lst look like, and what's "logview" in lish say? There's a few oddities here and there.

I'm using Arch. Here's my menu.lst (sans comments):

# Config file for GRUB - The GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
# /boot/grub/menu.lst

timeout   5
default   0

# indomU=false

# (0) Arch Linux
title  Arch Linux
root   (hd0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-xen-dom0 root=/dev/xvda ro
initrd /boot/kernel26-xen-dom0.img

Here's the logview output:

Xen Minimal OS!
start_info:   0xa9b000
  nr_pages:   138240  shared_inf: bf26e000
  pt_base:    0xa9e000  mod_start:  0x0
  mod_len:    0
  flags:      0x0
  cmd_line:   (hd0)/boot/grub/menu.lst
  stack:      0x94c860-0x96c860
MM: Init
  _text:        0x0
  _etext:       0x5ce26
  _erodata:     0x75000
  _edata:       0x7db00
  stack start:  0x94c860
  _end:         0x98ce48
  start_pfn:    aaa
  max_pfn:      21c00
Mapping memory range 0xc00000 - 0x21c00000
setting 0x0-0x75000 readonly
skipped 0x1000
MM: Initialise page allocator for bb2000(bb2000)-21c00000(21c00000)
MM: done
Demand map pfns at 21c01000-2021c01000.
Heap resides at 2021c02000-4021c02000.
Initialising timer interface
Initialising console ... done.
gnttab_table mapped at 0x21c01000.
Initialising scheduler
Thread "Idle": pointer: 0x2021c02010, stack: 0x218d0000
Initialising xenbus
Thread "xenstore": pointer: 0x2021c027c0, stack: 0x218e0000
Dummy main: start_info=0x96c960
Thread "main": pointer: 0x2021c02f70, stack: 0x218f0000
"main" "(hd0)/boot/grub/menu.lst"
vbd 51712 is hd0
******************* BLKFRONT for device/vbd/51712 **********

backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/317/51712
Failed to read /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/317/51712/feature-flush-cache.
8192000 sectors of 512 bytes
vbd 51728 is hd1
******************* BLKFRONT for device/vbd/51728 **********

backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/317/51728
Failed to read /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/317/51728/feature-flush-cache.
524288 sectors of 512 bytes

root   (hd0)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, using whole disk
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-xen-dom0 root=/dev/xvda ro
initrd /boot/kernel26-xen-dom0.img

Map 1725 (4cf2ba, ...) at 0x222c2000 failed: -22.
Do_exit called!
base is 0x218f8f28 caller is 0x40e32
base is 0x218f8f48 caller is 0x4b705
base is 0x218ffba8 caller is 0x4b7db
base is 0x218ffbf8 caller is 0x3191b
base is 0x218ffc48 caller is 0x24ee3
base is 0x218ffc98 caller is 0x24507
base is 0x218ffce8 caller is 0x24ae7
base is 0x218ffd28 caller is 0x24bae
base is 0x218ffd58 caller is 0x186b7
base is 0x218ffdc8 caller is 0x3c62
base is 0x218ffdd8 caller is 0x8e95
base is 0x218ffdf8 caller is 0xa9f7
base is 0x218ffe28 caller is 0x105c4
base is 0x218ffec8 caller is 0x10c23
base is 0x218fff68 caller is 0x4128
base is 0x218fff78 caller is 0x4239d
base is 0x218fffe8 caller is 0x33da

[linode34206@dallas204 lish]#
[linode34206@dallas204 lish] There is no screen to be attached matching linode34206.
Your Linode isn't running, or another console session is already active.
[linode34206@dallas204 lish]#

BTW, I've tried it with both the arch kernel26-xen and kernel26-xen-dom0 packages… Same results either way.

Turns out it was a combination of a missing option in the kernel config (can't remember which at the moment) and a bad menu.lst.

And not only is the server working now, I have a successful AUFS implementation! Merry Christmas to me!


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