Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated

Getting above error while installing photopost image gallery. Installed vbulletin and it works fine its only photopost script that are giving these errors

Please help

3 Replies

Might have better luck here:

As people who actually use the product hang out there :)

Just a guess, but are you using PHP 5.3? Did you verify that PhotoPost can work with that? Only a guess from some other software I use that just recently got updated to work with PHP 5.3 and was throwing similar errors for anyone not running 5.2.x or older.

ya I am using php5.3.1 and Photopost guys told its something to do with php :(

How do I fix this?

Well it's free, open source software so go in there an fix it. Oh, wait it's not :)

Don't know, never used it and never will. Do you have access to the PHP code or is it all encoded?

They list PHP 4.0.2 as the minimum requirement and their last release was months before PHP 5.3 was released, so they most likely haven't updated it to work with PHP 5.3. I'm betting your only choice, if you don't have access to the source, is to either find a different solution or downgrade PHP to 5.2.x


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