large httpd cpu cause php script


Occasionaly i see some httpd processes running at quite a high CPU usage. What frustrates me is that i cannot see the cause.

I have tried running ps -fe to view the processes and see the cause but all it says is httpd, non the php file that it is running.

I have tried searching around but cant find a solution. I cant believe that there is no way to find out the php script running on the httpd process.

Does anyone know of a way to find this out?


6 Replies

Have you checked your access_log? That would most likely be the easiest way to figure out what's going on.

well the thing is, i have quite a few servers with lots of different websites on. i could go trawling through all the access logs for each site but it would be a major time saver if i could simply see which script was tied to the process.

Is there anything i cna do with the process id, or in the proc directories?


I'm not sure you can see this information in process listings. However, if you turn on apache mod_status, you should be able to see, in real-time, what requests your server is working on.

Thanx, i'll give that a go.

I dont know if this is real but here:

~~[" target="blank">]( … 34652.html">](

At the bottom i see that someone might have what i am looking for:

They have a top or some sort of process list then they have the site and script used. Is this real?


12950 apache 22 0 16992 16M 7428 D 48.6 0.4 0:07 0 httpd

12912 apache 22 0 16240 15M 7436 S 47.3 0.4 0:07 0 httpd

86-0 12950 0/4/4 _ 7.24 5 0 0.0 0.01 0.01 X.X.X.X GET /src/left_main.php HTTP/1.1

48-0 12912 0/4/4 _ 7.32 5 0 0.0 0.01 0.01 X.X.X.X GET /src/left_main.php HTTP/1.1


86-0 12950 0/4/4 _ 7.24 5 0 0.0 0.01 0.01 X.X.X.X GET /src/left_main.php HTTP/1.1

48-0 12912 0/4/4 _ 7.32 5 0 0.0 0.01 0.01 X.X.X.X GET /src/leftmain.php HTTP/1.1 That's a snippet from some sort of accesslog.

Thanx for your help, that mod_status is just what i need.



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