[SOLVED] problems with sendmail


I hope someone can help me with sendmail.

I installed postfix and sendmail and I was able to send emails, but the emails were going directly to spam filters of the destination e-mails.

Why is this happening?

And now no mails are being sent…

I tried the /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i but nothing arrives in the mailbox.

What can I do?

Thank you!

2 Replies

You installed both postfix AND sendmail? As far as I know, postfix and sendmail are both mail services. Only one of them is needed. I suggest keeping postfix.


You installed both postfix AND sendmail? As far as I know, postfix and sendmail are both mail services. Only one of them is needed. I suggest keeping postfix.

Ok, now it's working :)

Here's what I did:

/etc/init.d/sendmail stop
apt-get --purge remove sendmail
/etc/init.d/postfix restart

Thank you!


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