Uplink Speed

I searched for but could not find the uplink speed for the servers. I'm guessing it's 10, 100 or 1000 Mbps. Could you please tell me which and how many NICs per server.

I'm already a very satisfied customer. Currently I have 2 linodes with you and dedicated servers elsewhere. I'm considering building my own "cloud" for my app on your infrastructure.


3 Replies

You guessed right: Linode host servers are connected to the Internet through first-class bandwidth providers, with gigabit uplink capacity. Here's a few helpful resources – the first one answers your question:



Glad to hear you're a happy customer! Welcome aboard.

By default, nodes have a 50 Mbps emergency brake on outbound traffic to help prevent problems. If you actually need it, you can file a support ticket and get it raised.


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