swf flash files stopped playing on my VPS site ...


For some unknown reason, I can no longer play swf files from any directory on my Linode VPS. All swf files just stopped playing. Flash player on my home PC is working fine. When I upload the same swf files onto to a 2nd website they download and play fine. This morning there wasn't a problem. I haven't touched the linode VPS since.

I am use the nginx webserver and haven't changed any setting (including mime type initiation files, etc.) I seriously doubt that this has any thing to do with the nginx … maybe Linux? I stopped and restarted the server with no luck.

The folder/file permissions are all set to 777 and since all other file types work properly including html, m4p video files, and graphic file jpg … it can't be an ownership issue. Only the swf files do not work.

Does anyone have any insight or suggestion what I should do next

I did update Filezilla on my PC which I use to upload files to the VPS … it was after this upgraded that I started to have problems. Surely, my problem isn't related to Filezilla changing setting, etc.?

Thanks in advance, Jim

4 Replies


I did update Filezilla on my PC which I use to upload files to the VPS … it was after this upgraded that I started to have problems. Surely, my problem isn't related to Filezilla changing setting, etc.?

This sounds oddly like a binary vs. ASCII upload issue. Check your Filezilla settings.


Good idea but I still have the problem when I switch "Transfer types" from auto to binary … and swf is not in the list of files to be treated as ASCII.

It does however appear as if the swf file is corrupted when download from linode to the browser. Is there a way to set transfer types (binary download) on the linode side ( am using the nginx server)? I have already checked the mime type configuration file (swf is in the list of recognized filetypes).

Thanks Jim

After further testing … indeed the file being downloaded from the VPS to the browser is corrupt (probably downloaded as ASCII as oppose to binary).

So what should I check to force binary delivery from nginx?

Cheers, Jim

As far as I am aware, web servers do not convert line endings on files they serve. It seems more likely that any corruption is occurring when you upload the file.

Check the md5 of the file with md5sum foo.swf on your Linode and your local machine, and see if they match. Or failing that, compare the file sizes.


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