Semi-Regular PHP/Apache crashes on Debian Lenny server
standard steps
My VM is low-end with 360MB of memory, and has a very low load. It'w running Wordpress. Often, when doing administrative tasks in Wordpress, or if it's regenerating indexes etc, my PHP instance will completely crash due to what Suhosin thinks is an attack (false-positive), and hence my site is unreachable. Here's the line from my Apache error.log:
[Mon Dec 14 18:42:31 2009] [error] [client x.x.x.x] ALERT - linked list corrupt on efree() - heap corruption detected (attacker 'x.x.x.x', file '/path/to/index.php')
Has anybody else encountered this? I'm tried fiddling with the suhosin settings, and it helped a bit, but I'm still encountering crashes. Has anybody else encountered this, perhaps?
Thanks in advance,