Linode DNS + Lighttpd

Hey guys.. I have a very stupid question.. But what the hell I'll ask it anyway.

I've just setup my Linode VPS (which might I say is awesome), and I have set up my DNS with my website ( I'm attempting to add sub domains for several paths in my server route. How would I do this? Everything I've seem to do just says it cannot find the host.

Sorry for the silly question, and thanks in advance for any replys

1 Reply

1. Add 'A' records within the Linode DNS manager pointing to your node IP address.

2. Edit your lighttpd.conf (or appropriate included file), add stanza(s) for each of your new subdomains, and restart lighttpd.

3. Wait for your DNS changes to propagate…

P.S. Optional:

4. ???

5. Profit!


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