IP faillover

Anyone know exactly how the IP Failover option works (or how I can get it to work). I have two linodes…one has two public IP addresses.

I want one of those IP addresses to fail over to the other linode when necessary.

I've been beating myself up with linux-ha (another drama altogether), and I thought I'd take a break from that and just see if the IP address would work on the second server. So far, manually assigning the IP to an interface doesn't work at all.

Any ideas?

6 Replies

I assume that you did check the IP in the IP Failover Configuration page in the Network tab, right?

Here's what I do in a minutely cron job on both servers:

ping -c 5 -w 30 74.207.247.xxx > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
  echo 'No response from main IP...  Adding IP to eth0...'
  ip address add 74.207.247.xxx/24 dev eth0
  arping -UI eth0 -qc 5 74.207.247.xxx

That's essentially what I was doing, with no luck.

It appears that a reboot is necessary once you give a linode permission to use an IP address from another. I rebooted, everything works fine now.

Still a little disappointed that linux-ha won't work right, but I'll get something figured out now that this is working. Thanks.


That's essentially what I was doing, with no luck.

It appears that a reboot is necessary once you give a linode permission to use an IP address from another. I rebooted, everything works fine now.

Still a little disappointed that linux-ha won't work right, but I'll get something figured out now that this is working. Thanks.

Try this out, been using it for years for ip failover.


I'm not having any luck with linux-ha.

The two sides don't see each other for some reason. I'll get it eventually, I just don't have time to mess with it right now.


Have you ever evaluate a Dns failover solution like Dns Made Easy or Postpart?

I never used one but would like to understand if its a valid solution.

Postpart even has Geo Redundancy.

I host DNS on each of my three servers and have them ping each-other every 15 mins and update the DNS zone appropriately. Works for me :)


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