Expirence of moving from newark to london

My complete customer base is the UK and Ireland so was overjoyed to see that linode has opened a new data centre this side of the pond. I opened a ticket asking for some more information and with the usual customer support I had them answered and had the migration started within 15 mins.

I have two linode 360's and support said it takes about 15 mins a gig to transfer. I watched the transfer for a bit and I was getting between 1.0mbps to 1.2mbps for the whole data transfer which in the end took about 3 1/2 hours.

The linodes are back up with the changed IP addresses and everything is working perfectly. The sites I am running are still yet to go live so the downtime was no problem and really was amazed at how well it worked..

Hats off to linode and its staff the service really is top notch.

9 Replies

Hats off from me too.

I was already renting a VPS from a UK provider (10TBvps.com, not knowing any better), which I've been kinda dissatisfied with, and I was paying the painful amount of £33.50 (almost $55) per month for it as well. But since I needed a European-based VPS outside of Norway for geographical spread, I had limited options.

The second I saw that Linode.com had started a presence in London, I immediately signed up for my third Linode (1 year billing right off the bat – and my other two are both in Dallas), placed it in London, transferred some files over to my Linode and cancelled my contract at 10TBvps without hesitating. My most recent invoice with them was on the 10th, which I had yet to pay, and I'm kinda relieved that I don't have to pay for it after all. :D

Thankfully, I had yet to actually put the VPS to any use in live production, so I only had to move over some files and update my DNS pointers with the new IP address.

Kudos, Linode! 8)

Mine is moving now, but as you said it's going to be 3.5 hours to move everything, apart from the IP changes i've had to make it all looks good so far.

For any one moving the main changes I had to make because of my setup were:-

  • Update the name servers in /etc/resolv.conf

  • Update the static ip's in /etc/network/interfaces

  • Update the apache configuration

  • Update the firewall to allow servers to commuinicate on new IP's

The only other item I was looking at changing was to make the package repository to be in the UK instead of the US to allow updates to download faster.

My 360 linode on ArchLinux is now in London, UK! I filled a support ticket once I've seen this thread (didn't see blog entry till then), and after 10 minutes I've got response.

I've shut down the machine, started migration (11Gb of data at 2.5Mb/s). While waiting for data to transfer I've changed the DNS's too, and once I booted the linode everything worked fine. It took around 1:30h to complete. No other changes have been made.

My target audience is in Europe, but I've decided to give Linode a go anyway. And I can say that I haven't mistaken!

I really wasn't expecting this to happen, but it made me even more content. I'm really happy with the service!

After migrating linode to London, response times are half the time than when linode was in Newark! Splendid!

BTW, checked the machine - it has the same Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520.

I started migration from Fremont to London 5 hours ago and now it's only 26% completed (the speed is ~220KB/s and going down).

Maybe it's wrong time and links between California and the UK overloaded but why the speed is so low in comparison with other?

CA to UK is a long trip through many likely busy routes.


I started migration from Fremont to London 5 hours ago and now it's only 26% completed (the speed is ~220KB/s and going down).
This happens from time to time on that specific trip (round-trip Fremont > London). We're working on making it better, but there is a plethora of Internet from A to B.

Must be all those poker chips blocking the tubes. Maybe you can hire a big truck to dump them on.

Newark to London:

about 2.8 MB/s during migration, dns managed by linode must be updated manually.

Latency: from 105ms to 52ms

Overall: very nice:D


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