do you offer cpanel/DA ?


do you offer cpanel/DA license?

I only need to rent it for the first couple of months.

3 Replies

No, but you can obtain and install them yourself if you want to.

I don't believe linode resells cpanel or directadmin licenses.

Note that this is a VPS; you will need to install cpanel / DA if you need to use it; this is not shared hosting.

We've been asked about this before, and the business relationship required with cPanel is odd. At this time, we do not resell cPanel or DirectAdmin licenses; however, you are free to approach said companies on your own.

As another poster mentioned, we are an unmanaged virtual server provider – it'd be up to you to install cPanel or DirectAdmin on your own.

I have also heard good things about ISPConfig, which is open-source and thus free of charge. May be worth looking into.


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