TrueCrypt Support

Is TrueCrypt supported by the Ubuntu 9.10 Build on linode? Are there performance ramifications? Has anyone tried this before?

4 Replies

Let me know what you find out about truecrypt on ubuntu server.

It runs find on my karmic desktop so why not?


Let me know what you find out about truecrypt on ubuntu server.

It runs find on my karmic desktop so why not?

Hi denvercyber,

I've put it on hold for the time being – I wasn't able to install the linux-headers packages… presumably because the linode host kernel is unique.

Basic instructions here: … untu-edgy/">

Kernel source is available at

As an alternative, the Debian kernels have been compiled with Fuse support, so you can just apt-get install encfs.

Admittedly, EncFS doesn't have all of the features of Truecrypt, but it may be sufficient.


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