debian or centos


I'm used to redhat for more then 10 years, since the 4 version (1998)

I'm thinking about moving to debian, but you know, when you know something …

What are the big benefits of using debian (yum is good).


3 Replies

apt-get is really not that different from yum. My opinion of working with Debian (Ubuntu, actually, but close enough) vs. CentOS…


  • Just about anything you could want is in the official repositories (no setting up RPMforge or other third-party repos)

  • In my (limited) experience, the version of Apache on CentOS consumes way more memory than the one on Ubuntu


  • Managing runlevels and SysV init scripts isn't as convenient (no spiffy service or chkconfig tools)

  • The way /var/log is set up is (to me) weird

The repository issue is the biggest, in my view. Dag does a great job, but I've encountered packages from RPMforge that required significant tweaking/configuration to run correctly, and a lot are just older releases. It also sucks that a whole bunch of Perl modules aren't in the base repo. So far, installing stuff on Ubuntu has just worked without tweaking or incompatibilities.


  • Managing runlevels and SysV init scripts isn't as convenient (no spiffy service or chkconfig tools)

install sysv-rc-conf


install sysv-rc-conf

whoa.. nice, thank you for this tip! :)


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