debian or centos
I'm used to redhat for more then 10 years, since the 4 version (1998)
I'm thinking about moving to debian, but you know, when you know something …
What are the big benefits of using debian (yum is good).
3 Replies
Just about anything you could want is in the official repositories (no setting up RPMforge or other third-party repos)
In my (limited) experience, the version of Apache on CentOS consumes way more memory than the one on Ubuntu
Managing runlevels and SysV init scripts isn't as convenient (no spiffy service or chkconfig tools)
The way /var/log is set up is (to me) weird
The repository issue is the biggest, in my view. Dag does a great job, but I've encountered packages from RPMforge that required significant tweaking/configuration to run correctly, and a lot are just older releases. It also sucks that a whole bunch of Perl modules aren't in the base repo. So far, installing stuff on Ubuntu has just worked without tweaking or incompatibilities.
- Managing runlevels and SysV init scripts isn't as convenient (no spiffy service or chkconfig tools)
install sysv-rc-conf
install sysv-rc-conf
whoa.. nice, thank you for this tip!