CentOS Missing Common Programs

Yesterday I deployed a new server running CentOS 5.3 only to find common programs like "locate" and "wget" no longer included by default.

I installed them through yum, but I would like to know why they are missing in the first place. Anyone have an idea?

5 Replies

We try to build images with an emphasis on just what is needed to get booted; not everyone needs locate or wget (I know, sounds silly). I spent a couple hours sitting in my CentOS chroot purging things that didn't break the system to remove.

I thought I included wget in the last round. I'll have to check again. I know I made a point of including nano, the full version of vim, and a few other things that we get commonly requested.

Cool. Just don't take out yum :)

Actually, I like how stripped down it is–on previous versions I've spent some time trying to get it down to bare minimum myself. I was very pleased when I couldn't find much of anything I could take out. I'd much rather have a short list of things I know I need to add when setting up a new image, than go through and try to strip it down.

FWIW, my list is:






Didn't there used to be a "helper" setting that disabled locate from running, to stop all the I/O contention?


Didn't there used to be a "helper" setting that disabled locate from running, to stop all the I/O contention?

I think it's still there. I deleted the daily cron task & just update it weekly.


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