How to add an Addon or Parked Domain

Hi, I am n00b.

I managed to install LAMP and hosted a website on a domain.

Now I want to add an Addon/Parked domain.

How do I go about doing this?

Do I have to this through the linode DNS manager?

Any help greatly appreciated.

3 Replies

Can you give us an example of an Addon/Parked domain? I'm not totally sure what you're looking for.

Addon / Parked domain is a CPanel web hoster term.

When you signup you usually sign up with your primary domian eg Then if you register you use the addon domain to point it to, so both and end up at the same place (content)

ServerAlias is probably what you are looking for if you want the above to occur.

If you want and (substitute your real domain names here) to go to different content, then you are looking at virtual hosting.

It's probably a good idea to set you server up as a vritual hosting environment even if you only have one domain. As some time in the future you may add more or want them to display different content.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

@kangaby : Thanks for the reply and guidance.


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