Xen gets transparent high availability

http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/11/11 … ity-To-Xen">http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/11/11/2246226/Remus-Project-Brings-Transparent-High-Availability-To-Xen

I wonder how long until this makes its way into linode hosts? :)

3 Replies

I could see the uses for this. However, this will only protect against Host problems. If you have problems on the guest, you'll have them on the other node, too. But, I guess for things like IRC servers, you have no choice if you want HA.

Obviously it wouldn't be cost-feasible for Linode to have a hot spare for every server, but this would be great if it can be set up on-demand, e.g. for when they need to migrate people off of a dying server.


Obviously it wouldn't be cost-feasible for Linode to have a hot spare for every server, but this would be great if it can be set up on-demand, e.g. for when they need to migrate people off of a dying server.

Or pay extra for the HA option :)


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