Proactive Notifications?

Hi Guys,

Does Linode provide proactive notification for planned outtages? If so, how far in advance are these notifications and what platform are they presented on? Forum post? RSS feed? Dashboard announcement? Email notification?



2 Replies

If/when we have planned maintenance, we'll open tickets as well as announce it on the Status forum. Ticket updates are emailed to the users who have access to the affected Linode.

The amount of notice varies depending on the urgency, however for things that can wait we will provide at least 7 days advance notification.

Hope that helps,



If/when we have planned maintenance, we'll open tickets as well as announce it on the Status forum. Ticket updates are emailed to the users who have access to the affected Linode.

The amount of notice varies depending on the urgency, however for things that can wait we will provide at least 7 days advance notification.

Hope that helps,


Awesome. Thanks Chris!


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