Ubuntu 9.10 upgrade went smooth

After switching to the "paravirt" kernel per:

http://blog.linode.com/2009/10/30/ubunt … mic-koala/">http://blog.linode.com/2009/10/30/ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/

my Ubuntu 9.04 --> 9.10 linode upgrade went flawlessly.


19 Replies

does lish console work for you?

A few of us had to do some tweaks to get it to work.


does lish console work for you?

I see the boot status messages, but get no login prompt. So no, LISH is not working. Tried both AJAX console and SSH.


in /etc/init/hvc0.conf

# hvc0 - getty for Linode console

start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

exec /sbin/getty -8 38400 hvc0

then run

sudo service hvc0 start

Worked perfectly. Thank you very kindly, sir.


Should I switch to the paravirt kernel before or after the upgrade?


Should I switch to the paravirt kernel before or after the upgrade?

I switched kernels first, then ran:


per the "Network Upgrade" instruction from:





Should I switch to the paravirt kernel before or after the upgrade?

I switched kernels first, then ran:


per the "Network Upgrade" instruction from:



Thanks, I switched the kernels before the upgrade, and everything works.

I, too, had problems logging onto my server using the AJAX console. I followed the steps above and it's working again! Thanks.

Just wanted to add that I did the same and the upgrade went flawlessly.

I was holding back the upgrade originally because I was worried about problems but if you follow the steps above, all should go well!

I also just upgraded to 9.10 (from 8.10). I did not switch to Paravirt kernel before upgrade and couldn't log in via SSH after system restart. After I shut down my linode and switched to Paravirt the system went back up.

So it seems like nothing scary will happen if you forget to switch to Paravirt kernel before do-release-upgrade.

Doing it right now, 7:30am on the west coast. Glad I waited a few days since I just don't have the patience right now to bang my head on the desk! Switched the kernel first, too. Lets see how it goes. 285 packages to update. I also backed up my /etc before, just in case I blow something away and need to refer back to the way it was.

I can't seem to choose a paravirt kernel - the only choices I have are the old UML kernels. How do I switch to the Xen kernels?

You need to open a ticket to be migrated to Xen


Yes, this time the upgrade was so easy and harmless.

Thanks to Linode !

Thanks to Ubuntu !


Why does Ubuntu 9.10 require the paravirt kernel on linodes? Is that unique to Linode? Or something new with karmic?

I don't think Karmic actually requires paravirt, it's just that the version of udev that Karmic uses doesn't support older kernels.


I don't think Karmic actually requires paravirt, it's just that the version of udev that Karmic uses doesn't support older kernels.
Yes. Same with Arch.


I agreed and I prefer paravirtualization.

See the definition at: http://staging.xen.org/about/paravirtualization.html

So, paravirtualization brings better performance to VM's and the hypervisor is impervious to driver failure.



I also just upgraded to 9.10 (from 8.10). I did not switch to Paravirt kernel before upgrade and couldn't log in via SSH after system restart. After I shut down my linode and switched to Paravirt the system went back up.

So it seems like nothing scary will happen if you forget to switch to Paravirt kernel before do-release-upgrade.

Same here. Stressful few minutes, and then this thread solved it all. Doesn't seem to be any issues now I've swapped to Paravirt! :)


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