2 Queries - Changing ssh port and ajax console

Im a bit stuck changing the ssh port. I go into /etc/ssh/sshd_config and from there edit the port setting. I'm trying to change it to 443, as I can't access my linode at work. I thought if I put it on on 443 or 80 then it might work.

It doesn't work, and when i change it I can't access it at home either. I just get a connection refused message. Any suggestions? :oops:

Also this ajax console is very sluggish. I was away from linode for over a month and have just come back. I don't think it was this slow before.

2 Replies

Just realised its because of the firewall. bangs head against wall

The console is still sluggish though…

I would suggest not to change the port, but to use the Firewall to redirect the new port to the old port. I do this for SMTP.

I have it listen on port 25, so it can accept mail form the world, but port 25 is blocked by my ISP, so I cannot use it to send outgoing email. I setup a redirect to also have another port that forwards to port 25.

It depends on your firewall on how to set this up.

For example in shorewall the rule is:

REDIRECT net 22 tcp 443


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