Free RAM on my linode is around just 10MB

My sites have grown. In the beginning, the free RAM is around 50MB but recently it is constantly hitting the 10MB mark.

Does this mean I'll have to upgrade? Any optimization tips can I use? I'm using apache and I guess switching to lighttpd would be tip no. 1?

4 Replies

Um. Which line of "free -m" are you basing this on? "Mem" or "-/+ buffers/cache"? Cuz the latter is what matters.




Thanks a lot for this! Now I feel much better. ;)


Um. Which line of "free -m" are you basing this on? "Mem" or "-/+ buffers/cache"? Cuz the latter is what matters.
> total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 360 294 65 0 45 121

-/+ buffers/cache: 127 232

Swap: 255 37 218

This is what I have for 10 seconds before. Any idea?

So -/+ buffers/cache: is what matters? Can you please clarify why?

Never mind. Got it all from the link by Chris! Seems I can pack and jam more stuff into my box.

Thanks you two! :roll:


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