device eth0 has mac address XX instead of configured address


after a yum update on my CentOS 5.3 I got this error when shutting down eth0 on reboot…

Shutting down interace eth0: Device eth0 has MAC address XXX instead of configured address XXX ignoring [FAILED]

What does it means?

Please help.

6 Replies

Remove the HWADDR= line from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and this will go away.

I thought I was being helpful by not being specific on the CentOS 5.4 upgrade thread. Oh well.

This is an issue that CentOS just introduced, presumably in 5.4.

There was a deployment of CentOS a couple versions back – I want to say 5.2 -- that may have had a slight oversight in its ifcfg-eth0 as shipped to customers. The MAC address of the virtual container we built the image on may have been included.

This apparently has never been a problem until now, so removing the HWADDR= line will fix these things going forward.


Remove the HWADDR= line from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and this will go away.

Really thanks jed.

I'm guessing this is only impacting DHCP users?


I'm guessing this is only impacting DHCP users?
Your guess is as good as mine, as "users" is barely plural. One ticket and this post are all I've heard of it – coincidence maybe, but if more people experience it we'll know it's an issue.


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