How do you pronounce /usr?

One of the more amusing aspects of working with a new team is ironing out all the weirdnesses you don't have to deal with when working alone.

I remember being pretty surprised when I first heard somebody name a path out loud and pronounced the /usr directory in a way I wasn't used to hearing.

9 Replies

The Linode pronunciation guide:

/etc: Ett-see. This one was the interesting one to me at Linode. Before Linode I said "et cetera".

/sbin: Ess-bin. /bin is obviously "bin".

/tmp: Temp. tmpfs = "Temp eff-ess".

/usr: User, just like it sounds*.

/var: Varr (pirate "arr").

Linode - Linn - ode (I said "Lie-node" at my interview, though).

caker: Cake - urr.

tasaro: Tee - uh - sarr - oh.

mikegrb: Phil says this "mike gee - arr - bee". I say "Mike".

irgeek: Jay - mms.

pparadis: Pee - pair - uh - dee. Silent 's'.

restelow: Arr - ess - tuh - low.

jed: Aww - sum.

tychoish: I've always said "tie - co - ish", and I'm up for correction.

sschwertly: Stann the inn-turn.

dfinnerty: Dave - fin - urr - tee.

mwalling: Emm - wall - eeng. (Yes, we say his name out loud. He came up the other day at a smoke break due to his cat named Linode.)

urmom: Yerr mah-um.

fremont: Pop - you - lurr.

Absecon: ab - see - cunn. I said abs - uh - con and got looked at.

  • Reminds me of this.


The only major differences between my list and Linode's would be:

tasaro: taas-aar-o

jed: Miss-ter Smith

sschwertly: stan-the-man


The Linode pronunciation guide:

mwalling: Emm - wall - eeng. (Yes, we say his name out loud. He came up the other day at a smoke break due to his cat named Linode.)

Linode[TheCat] loves you too, Jed


mikegrb: Phil says this "mike gee - arr - bee". I say "Mike".

jed: Aww - sum.

I think you got your pronunciations switched. "mikegrb" is pronounced "Aww-sum", while "jed" is pronounced "loose-er"

Nope I think /usr is pronounced like [ooz-er]. As in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze.


Actually a pretty funny end to a work day.


I call it Lie-node. Didn't even realize I was doing that.

Welcome to the club! We know that Linux rhymes with Linus, the kernel's author. He claims it's not, but we know the truth :)


Welcome to the club! We know that Linux rhymes with Linus, the kernel's author. He claims it's not, but we know the truth :)

So, you pronounce it lee-nuhcks?

I don't know if you guys watch Zero Punctuation at all – if you don't, you're missing out.

This whole thread reminds me of probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard Yahtzee say during a review (caution: language), something along the lines of:

> The Sims 3 is obviously targeted toward casual gamers, and I pronounce "casual gamers" the same way I pronounce "tapeworms".


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