Munin, Nagios, pretty graphs


I've had a Linode for around a week, and had a couple of crashes already and am tuning it.

What graphing package do people recommend? I've heard Munin mentioned on the Linode forum, but read bad things that it uses a lot of resources.

I'm using CentOS and would appreciate any advice about what package to use for monitoring stats like swap file usage and Apache stats so I can continue the tuning.

P.S. I have offloaded all my static files to a different server, so Lighttpd is not for me :)

2 Replies

Personally, I'd just use Munin.

It isn't that resource intensive (RSS 2 megs, plus several multiples more during updates) that it's going to outweigh its usefulness in the short term. Particularly if you're on a 720, and looking to go higher. ;)

Thank you mjrich, I will go with nagios. I'll try it out on a virtualised local server before I put it into 'production.' Maybe it will be my first time not breaking a server :)


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