Wordpress can't access mySQL

Linode Staff


I have MySQL and phpMyAdmin working fine on my Linode.
I'm trying to create a WordPress instance, but it's stuck at step 1 because it can't access the database.
I'm certain I know the login because I can access it both via command line and phpmyadmin.

What could be blocking access?

1 Reply


What I recommend doing is taking a look at the wp-config.php file located in your WordPress site files. If you only see wp-config-sample.php just rename it to wp-config.php.

Once you have located the wp-config.php file take a look at the following lines with a text editor or via sudo nano wp-config.php to make sure that all your database information is correctly entered.


As well as well as


To make sure that your database is pointing to the correct IP of the database server.

This article from WordPress may be helpful as well, it explains the wp-config.php in further detail.


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