CLI questions

Can the CLI spin up a powered off node?
Can the CLI be ported to Windows?
Can the CLI upsize/downsize the RAM on a node before powering up?

I'd like to set up a 1024 instance. Shut off and then at different times boot up a larger RAM version but store it upon shutdown as a smaller RAM version. For obvious reasons. It does say somewhere that you can resize your RAM, without saying that you have to do that on billing month boundaries.

3 Replies

Updated for the new Linode CLI

  • Can the CLI spin up a powered off node?

Yes it can! See the answer below from @wsmith. Remember that you can also issue shutdown and boot commands like so (where $ID is your Linode's ID number)

$ linode-cli linodes shutdown $ID

You can get the ID with linode-cli linodes list.

If you want to boot a powered off Linode, you can run:

$ linode-cli linodes boot $ID
  • Can the CLI be ported to Windows?

The new Linode CLI is built on Python and works with the Linode v4 API, so it could definitely run on Windows. If you're having trouble getting Python up and running on a Windows 10 Machine, check out this helpful guide.

  • Can the CLI upsize/downsize the RAM on a node before powering up?

Yes, it can! See @wsmith's answer below.

If you try the new Linode CLI on Windows, please report back about how it went and open issues on github with any problems you encounter. In theory it should work fine, but I haven't tested it personally.

  • Can the CLI spin up a powered off node?

There's a better way ;)

linode-cli linodes create --root_pass 's3cureP@ssw0rd' --booted no

(this is assuming you have a default region, image, and type configured)

Passing --booted no into linodes create will tell the CLI not to boot the new Linode. You can get more information on what an individual action can do with --help, for example:

linode-cli linodes create --help

You can find specific examples of each command on the official docs at


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