Holes in the usage stats graphs?

Does this happen to anyone else?

~~![](<URL url=)http://www.viperquest.com/xeoz/generate_graph.sh.png" />

I can't find any sign of my sites being down, or OOMing. Memory seems to stay around 135MB constantly. Uptime report shows it's been up for ages.

inb4 MUNIN… installing it now.~~

3 Replies

I get that once in a while, never bothered me enough to look into it though.

It's happened to me once or twice. Most likely the cause is just a temporary loss of connectivity between your host and the machine that stores the data for the graphs.

Sometimes I've noticed this, but only two or three times in one year.

Another problem regarding stats is that in the graphs page, in the historical data, there are some months (nov and dec 2008, may 2009) that are not clickable, so it's impossible to view stats for those months.

Anyone else with this problem?


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