421 too many connections of this IP

Linode Staff


I have a problem with the FTP server. I get an error:

421 too many connections of this IP

I have increased the maximum limit through CPANEL, but it's still not solved.

1 Reply


The following steps should help you resolve this error.

First set the Limit number of simultaneous connections in FileZilla:

  1. In FileZilla Click on File and open Site Manager
  2. Choose the site you would like to limit simultaneous connections and click the Transfer Settings tab.
  3. Select Limit number of simultaneous connections and enter a Maximum number of connections I suggest 8.

Flush non-active connections in cPanel:

1. Access cPanel and navigate to FTP Connections section.
2.This cPanel section displays all FTP connections to your account. In order to drop idle connection press Disconnect button.


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