Script issue

Hey guys,

Hoping someone can help me out. On my linode I have mysql, php & apache, and im trying to write a script to pull info from my database, but I keep getting this error:

> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected TLOGICALOR in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 24, referer:

Heres the script:

But I cant figure out the prob :/ Can anyone help?

Kind Regards,


Edit by Jed Smith: Removed database credentials.

12 Replies

I think you might have to take a closer look at the file dbconnect.php, around, say, line 24 (or thereabouts). You probably have a missing paranthesis or something on that line or the previous one.

if (empty($you)) OR (empty($others));

should be

if ((empty($you)) OR (empty($others)))

$firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $middlename = $_POST['middlename']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $sex = $_POST($sex); $emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress']; . . $query = "INSERT INTO ifdbt0 (memberid, firstname, middlename, lastname, sex, emailaddress) VALUES ('', '$firstname', '$middlename', '$lastname', I hope you're going to do some sanity checks on these first…

Like mjrich said, you're asking for trouble if you don't check your inputs before you feed them to the database.

Also, that second to last semicolon in your insert statement should be a single quote.


Also, it's generally a bad idea to post your database hostname, username and password in public.


$query = "INSERT INTO ifdbt0 (memberid, firstname, middlename, lastname, sex, emailaddress) VALUES ('', '$firstname', '$middlename', '$lastname', '$sex', '$emailaddress;)";

Missing ' after $emailaddress (appears to have been replaced with a ; )

Yeah, it's much better to not use database passwords and use IP-based authentication instead.


Yeah, it's much better to not use database passwords and use IP-based authentication instead.

Woah, no way. IPs can be spoofed, although you'll have trouble getting return traffic unless you're on a LAN. Except Linodes are.

If you want to go the IP-auth route, use it in combination with a password; MySQL makes that easy, especially if you use phpMyAdmin to set it up (it's a dropdown on the create account page).

I'm pretty sure that you cannot hijack IPs in the Linode networks.



Good luck trying to spoof that one from anywhere ;)




Good luck trying to spoof that one from anywhere ;)

You didn't pay enough attention to his post:

> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected TLOGICALOR in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 24, referer:

Notice the hostname there :P





Good luck trying to spoof that one from anywhere ;)

You didn't pay enough attention to his post:

> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected TLOGICALOR in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 24, referer:

Notice the hostname there :P

True 'nuff but look at the directory pathname – possible he had /etc/hosts entry like: localhost


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