php not working in LAMP (CentOS 5)


I followed the procedure stated over here (

Now two things have happened.

1) php.ini file is not in etc/php5/apache2/ as mentioned in the link above, instead it is in etc/

2) i created a test file, named index.php in srv/www/ , but when i try it pops up telling me to download the file. Before that, it was just displaying php file as text on screen after I wrote,

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .foo

AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps .phtmls

DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html

it is now displaying a pop-up to download index.php

Any help please.

Thanks in advance




I restored the original httpd.conf file for apache and removed virtualhosts too.

Hence, now i placed file test.php in var/www/html/

and this is what i get

php is displayed as text.

6 Replies

The instructions are wrong. There is no package named php5. You need to do: yum install php

yes. i restarted apache quite a few times. but no luck.

I found out that command line php works. So i guess php just got installed in wrong path or i need to set path or change few settings in httpd.conf

Maybe i will try yum install php


yes. i restarted apache quite a few times. but no luck.

I found out that command line php works. So i guess php just got installed in wrong path or i need to set path or change few settings in httpd.conf

Maybe i will try yum install php

I tried yum remove php and then yum install php

still the same problem.

Please verify that there is a line like this in httpd.conf:

LoadModule php5_module /etc/httpd/modules/


Please verify that there is a line like this in httpd.conf:

LoadModule php5_module /etc/httpd/modules/


there is no such line in httpd.conf It seems php5 didnt get install correctly. But a day or two, the code now works. Seems like this one had problem with rebooting system.

So now php is working fine.

Thanks to all for help.



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